Brand & Content Guidelines

Thank you for your interest in writing for The Minnesota Catholic! We are a magazine that is “by Catholics, for Catholics” and that means people like you. Although we cannot publish all submissions due to space constraints and brand scope, we are grateful to consider all submissions. We hope to get back to you in a timely manner.

The Minnesota Catholic is a positive, local, lifestyle magazine for Catholics in the Twin Cities area. Every issue brings people together and helps businesses and nonprofits grow their brand in a loyal market.


We avoid contentious or political issues, choosing instead to focus on uplifting, authentic content that brings peace and joy to our readers. What are the struggles and successes of local families? What’s happening around town? When readers hold The Minnesota Catholic, we want them to think, “It feels good to be Catholic!”


We highlight the opportunities in the Twin Cities, whether it’s archdiocesan events, parish festivals, local concerts, restaurants, date night ideas, or family vacations. When readers finish every issue, we want them to think, “I love being Catholic in Minnesota!”


We are not another catechetical resource or newspaper. Unless a parish, nonprofit, or business is paying for the publicity (be that an article or an advertisement), we do not publish anniversary milestones, informational articles, or news. Instead, we focus on local stories, events, practical tips, and creativity. While we cover liturgical living and aspects of the Catholic faith, we avoid “religiousese,” pedantic tones, or topics lacking a broad appeal. Lifestyle content is fun, creative, practical, insightful, and relevant. When readers open The Minnesota Catholic, we want them to say, “This relates to my life!”

Content we’re looking for:

“Stars for stories.” Our team welcomes nominations for the feature cover story can include singles, newly weds, young parents, older parents, empty nesters, widows and widowers, any local Catholic or religious happy to share their story.

Recipes. These can include anything from cocktails, deserts, after school snacks, breakfasts, dinners, potluck contributions, bathtub potions, and essential oil home spa ideas.

Poetry and the fine arts. Verse of any kind is welcome to be submitted for consideration as well as any paintings, photography, drawings, or cartoons.

Events. Parish festivals, galas, fundraisers, events at the local zoo or science museum, performances, workshops, seminars, special Masses, choral events, unique cinema showings, seasonal events—anything open to the public and relevant to Catholics will be open to review.

Personal Reflection. We are happy to consider articles 500-words or less that share a personal story, insight, or reflection on a variety of topics (e.g., motherhood, fatherhood, parish life, liturgical seasons, domesticity, hospitality, work, prayer, neighborliness, school, homeschooling, crafts, vacations, health and fitness, marriage and family, budgeting, food, the arts, Minnesota history, dating, personal development, overcoming tragedy, and so on).

Catholic School’s Corner. Any Catholic school who would like to be featured in our Catholic School’s Corner is welcome to submit a short 300-word introduction to and synopsis of their school for consideration. What are the schools values? What makes the school stand out? Where is the school? Etc.


Please send submissions and inquiries to: